Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF)

INTRODUCTION TO TANGENTIAL FLOW FILTRATION Filtration : Filtration is any of various mechanical, physical or biological operations that separate solids from fluids. Filtration divided in two types, 1) Normal flow filtration (NFF): Also, called c artridge or dead end filtration, in this flow is perpendicular to the filter media, Particles retained in/on filter. 2) Tangential flow filtration (TFF): Also called Cross flow filtration in this flow is tangential (parallel) to the filter surface, a small percentage of the fluid flows through the filter media and retained particles are swept away from filter surface. Basic Terminology Pressure Drop ( Δ P= Pf – Pr ) : Difference in pressure along membrane feed channel, it can be determined by using equation Δ P= Pf – Pr where Pf = feed pressure and Pr = retentate pressure. Transmembrane Pressure TMP = (P feed + P retantate...