E. Coli
E.COLI (Escherichia Coli) Discovery/History It was discovered in 1885 by German bacteriologist Theodor Escherich (Dr. Escherich) in human colon hence it called coli. Initially it was called "Bacterium Coli" latter it changed to Escherichia Coli to honor of its discover. More than 700 serotype of E Coli have been identified. The 'O' and 'H' antigens on the bacteria and their flagella distinguish the different serotype. The useful or harmless strain are the part of normal microbiota of gut, they produces vitamin K2 and helpful in prevention of colonization of pathogenic strain in intestine. The O157:H7 is the pathogenic strain and was first recognize on 1982. This strain relentlessly evolving organism, constantly mutating and aquaring new characteristics. Biological Classification Domain : Bacteria (Domain designed by Carl Woese, three domains Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya) Kingdom: Bacteria (Six kingdom -Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, ...