As pharmaceutical sector is growing so fast, many companies are producing their products and selling throughout the world. So to control the Drug development, licensing, production of drugs and selling many regulatory agencies are established. There are some international regulatory agencies are available like, ICH (International conference on harmonization), WHO (World health organization), PAHO (PAN Americal health organization), WIPO (World intellectual property organization), WTO (World trade organization). Apart from these many countries are develop their own regulatory body like, USFDA(USA), EMEA( European Union), CDSCO(India), MHRA(UK), TGA(Australia), Health Canada (Canada), ANVISA(Brazil), NMPA(China), MCC(South Africa), NAFDAC(Nigeria), PMDA(Japan), NMRA(Srilanka), KFDA(Korea) etc. Indian Drug Regaulatory Authority DCGI (Drug Controller General of India) - DCGI is the head of CDSCO in India. CDSCO (Central Drug Standard Control Organization) - ...